Vital check system
Vital Check System
Quick check, analysis and aggregation of changes
in one's health conditions
Feedback on the spot
This is a model that can be realized by connecting with a system that allows you to measure multiple types of vital information. Results can be aggregated and analyzed on the spot.Various approaches related to the health become possible on the spot, thus improving the convenience of users. Because the health check can be easily detailed, the desire for health promotion and the health maintenance increases, and the possibility of various use spreads.

User authentication
User authentication is simple and quick.

Health check by oneself
Health check can be carried out easily, and linkage with the system.

Aggregation on the spot
Aggregation personal data on the spot

Storing data
Stores aggregated data in the data centre.

Check in the app
Each individual can easily manage their health. It also helps administrators to provide advice and events.